This world-leading, international consortium is delivering the most ambitious connected and autonomous vehicle project in the UK.
Culminating in a complex real-world journey that is both driverless and human-like for the benefit of the occupant and other road users. HumanDrive is a 30-month project that will see an autonomous vehicle performing a 200+ mile journey across the UK through live traffic and natural conditions.
In late 2019, HumanDrive will complete a 200+ mile journey across the UK, setting a precedent in the UK for the successful deployment of an autonomous, human-like vehicle undergoing a complex journey through real-world driving conditions.
En route, it will help establish the UK as a global hub for the research, development and better understand the user needs for automated vehicles. What’s more, it will increase public awareness of and confidence in autonomous vehicles, and enable authorities responsible for our road network and safety to benefit from developments in automated transport system technologies.
Key Milestones
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